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10 km linear Walk by oaks and water

This walk is close to the Akamas peninsula and Paphos Forest. It starts at an elevation of almost 700 meters, at the picturesque village of Phiti.  After a short pause at the village for Cyprus coffee walkers descend about 500 meters to the river bank of Stavros Tis Psokas river, enjoying wonderful views of the valley, which is home to many oaks, remnants of the rich oak forests that in antiquity covered many areas of Cyprus. Some of the remaining trees are impressive in their dimensions and age.  Walkers cross to the north river bank and pass close to three watermills, one of which is well preserved (and easy to spot).  We suggest to have a short pause there to explore the construction.  A couple of hundred meters south, one can find Skarfos medieval bridge (which is nevertheless difficult to spot and reach from this location - to visit Skarfos bridge one would need to go west on the north bank and come back east on the south bank, at a total distance of about one kilometer). At some point walkers cross over to the south bank and walk on the perimeter of the manmade lake of Evretou.  One may see a plethora of wildlife species, including a variety of bird species (eg falcons, goldfinches, herons).  The flora includes (amongst many other species) rock roses and phlomis.  Over the lake on the north side travellers may see the deserted Evretou village. 
The walk is about 10 km long and we suggest that upon finishing  walkers go for a meal at a traditional village restaurant.

Cyprus Walks Etc offers customisable guided walking trips to Evretou Valley. The route is great outside summer (when it may e too hot and the quantity of water in the manmade lake minimum), for the experience of a crescent shaped manmade lake, for the vegetation, the open spaces and the cultural attractions. You are welcomed to book with us. 

Book a Customisable Guided walking trip in Evretou Valley with us 

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