Cyprus Weather
To check current Cyprus weather and forecast we use a number of sources. We use weather stations that are close to our walks, eg for the walk in Caledonia waterfall we use the weather station in nearby Pano Platres village, while for the Madari peak circular walk we use information from a weather station in the nearby Saranti village; this station is close also to the walk between two Unesco World Heritage churches, Stavros tou Agiasmati church and Panagia tou Araka church.
To check current weather one can also : Go to website of Cyprus Meteorological Service For weather forecast one may also: DownLoad PDF file from Cyprus Meteorological Service For weather forecast for kayaking trips For an Upto date rainfall PDF report : DownLoad PDF file from Cyprus Meteorogical Service To check the water level and the flow in dams: Go to website of Cyprus Water Development Department |